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Англо-русский строительный словарь - sink


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Перевод с английского языка sink на русский


1) зумпф, приямок

2) водосток; сточная труба

3) теплоприёмник, тепловой сток

4) воронка размыва

5) раковина, мойка, слив

6) выгребная яма

7) опускать; оседать; погружать

to sink a caisson — опускать кессон

kitchen sinkslop sink

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См. в других словарях

  1) ванна, травильная ванна2) сточная труба; слив || сливать3) потонувшая фракция4) фрезеровать выемку или ручей (штампа), фрезеровать полость или карман5) опускаться, оседать, садиться6) погружать, погружаться7) падать; убывать; уменьшаться•to sink in — утопить (винт, заклёпку)heat sink ...
Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь
  into obscurity быть преданным забвению SINK  1. noun  1) раковина (для стока воды)  2) сточная труба  3) клоака; sink of iniquity - притон, вертеп  4) низина  2. v.  1) опускать(ся), снижать(ся); падать (о цене, стоимости, барометре и т.п.); my spirits/heart sank - я упал духом; to sink in smb. s estimation - упасть в чьем-л. мнении; the sun sank below a cloud - солнце зашло за тучу  2) тонуть (о корабле и т.п.); погружаться (тж. перен.); he sank into a chair - он опустился в кресло; to sink into a reverie - задуматься; to sink into a faint - упасть в обморок; At last I sank into a deep sleep.  3) топить (судно); затоплять (местность)  4) спадать (о воде); убывать, уменьшаться; the lake sinks - вода в озере убывает  5) оседать (о фундаменте)  6) впитываться (о жидкостях, краске)  7) ослабевать, гибнуть; he is sinking - он умирает  8) впадать; западать (о щеках и т.п.); Her eyes sunk.  9) опускаться, низко падать; to sink into poverty - впасть в нищету  10) погрязнуть  13) замалчивать (факт); скрывать (свое имя и т.п.); забывать, предавать забвению; to sink ones own interests - не думать о своих интересах; to sink the shop - скрывать свои занятия, свою профессию  14) невыгодно поместить (капитал); to sink money in smth. - ухлопать деньги на что-л.  15) погашать (долг)  16) проходить (шахту); рыть (колодец); прокладывать (трубу)  17)...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. раковина (водопровода) kitchen sink —- кухонная раковина 2. слив; сточный колодец; выгребная яма 3. редк. сточная труба 4. спец. сток 5. клоака a sink of iniquity —- притон, вертеп 6. впадина, углубление, выемка 7. геол. провал, карстовая пещера 8. театр. люк 9. редк. шахтный ствол 10. грузило 11. тонуть, утопать the ship sank —- корабль затонул the overloaded raft began to sink —- перегруженный плот начал тонуть the swimmer sank like a stone —- пловец камнем пошел ко дну the foot sinks in the moss —- нога тонет во мху to sink into the snow —- проваливаться в снег he sank up to his knees in the snow —- он провалился в снег по колено to sink in the mud —- завязнуть в грязи 12. топить; погружать they sank the ships in the harbour —- они затопили корабли в гавани a ship sank some inches below the water-line —- корабль погрузился на несколько дюймов ниже ватерлинии sunk in thought —- погруженный в думы 13. губить it would sink him —- это свело бы его в могилу he had trouble enough to sink a younger man —- такие неприятности могли бы сломить даже более молодого человека if they see us we are sunk —- если они увидят нас, мы погибли 14. опускаться, падать the balloon sank to earth —- воздушный шар упал на землю she sank down on the steps —- она опустилась на ступеньки to sink into a chair —- опуститься в кресло night is sinking on the sea —- ночь опускается на море to sink...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  погружаться, опускаться ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  гл. 1) опускаться 2) падать, понижаться 3) помещать, вкладывать (капитал) 4) невыгодно помещать (капитал) 5) погашать (долг) - sink a debt - sink in price - sink into decay ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) грузнуть 2) источник тепла холодный 3) опускаться 4) опустить 5) оседание 6) падать 7) погружаться 8) пробить 9) раковина 10) слив 11) сток 12) тонуть 13) уменьшаться - heat sink - kitchen sink - rate of sink - saturated sink - sink a caisson - sink a winze - sink boring - sink drawing - sink node - sink of network - sink pile - sink rate - sink roll - sink shaft - sink tree - sink working - two-dimensional sink - vacancy sink ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сток 2) приемник (данных) – data sink – message sink ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  отрицательный источник, сток (гидродинамика) теплоприёмник, тепловой сток (термодинамика) зумпф; приямок мойка, раковина; слив, сливное отверстие воронка размыва Belfast sink heat sink pot sink slop sink sterilizing sink ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) приёмник (сточных вод); поглощающий колодец; сбросной колодец; водоприёмный колодец; зумпф; выгребная яма 2) сток водосток; сточная труба; сточная канава 3) слив; раковина 4) опускать(ся); погружать (ся); утапливать; оседать 5) отстой, осадок (грязи) 6) горн. тяжёлая фракция (при обогащении в тяжёлой среде) 7) проходить вертикальную выработку (сверху вниз); бурить ствол скважины, шахты или колодца 8) метал. травильная ванна 9) метал. выбирать [фрезеровать] ручей 10) моечная ванна, мойка 11) усадочная раковина (в стереотипе) 12) потребитель энергии; сток энергии 13) приёмник (данных, сообщений) 14) радиатор; теплоотвод 15) устойчивый фокус (на фазовой плоскости) 16) кювета - current sink - data sink - decontamination sink - electron sink - energy sink - finned heat sink - Garchey sink - heat sink - message sink - mobile sink - neutron sink SINK сокр. от signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio отношение сигнал - смесь помехи с шумом ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past sank or sunk; past part. sunk or sunken) 1 intr. fall or come slowly downwards. 2 intr. disappear below the horizon (the sun is sinking). 3 intr. a go or penetrate below the surface esp. of a liquid. b (of a ship) go to the bottom of the sea etc. 4 intr. settle down comfortably (sank into a chair). 5 intr. a gradually lose strength or value or quality etc.; decline (my heart sank). b (of the voice) descend in pitch or volume. c (of a sick person) approach death. 6 tr. send (a ship) to the bottom of the sea etc. 7 tr. cause or allow to sink or penetrate (sank its teeth into my leg). 8 tr. cause the failure of (a plan etc.) or the discomfiture of (a person). 9 tr. dig (a well) or bore (a shaft). 10 tr. engrave (a die) or inlay (a design). 11 tr. a invest (money) (sunk a large sum into the business). b lose (money) by investment. 12 tr. a cause (a ball) to enter a pocket in billiards, a hole at golf, etc. b achieve this by (a stroke). 13 tr. overlook or forget; keep in the background (sank their differences). 14 intr. (of a price etc.) become lower. 15 intr. (of a storm or river) subside. 16 intr. (of ground) slope down, or reach a lower level by subsidence. 17 intr. (foll. by on, upon) (of darkness) descend (on a place). 18 tr. lower the level of. 19 tr. (usu. in passive; foll. by in) absorb; hold the attention of (be sunk in thought). --n. 1 a fixed basin with a water-supply and outflow pipe. 2 a place where foul liquid collects. 3 a place of vice or corruption. 4 a pool or marsh in which a river's water disappears by evaporation or percolation. 5 Physics a body or process used to absorb or dissipate heat. 6 (in full sink-hole) Geol. a cavity in limestone etc. into which a stream etc. disappears. Phrases and idioms sink in 1 penetrate or make its way in. 2 become gradually comprehended (paused to let the words sink in). sinking feeling a bodily sensation caused by hunger or apprehension. sinking fund money set aside for the gradual repayment of a debt. sink or swim even at the risk of complete failure...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (sank or sunk; sunk; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English sincan; akin to Old High German ~an to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go to the bottom ; submerge  b. to become partly buried (as in mud)  c. to become engulfed  2.  a.  (1) to fall or drop to a lower place or level  (2) to flow at a lower depth or level  (3) to burn with lower intensity  (4) to fall to a lower pitch or volume his voice sank to a whisper  b. to subside gradually ; settle  c. to disappear from view  d. to slope gradually ; dip  3.  a. to soak or become absorbed ; penetrate  b. to become impressively known or felt the lesson had sunk in  4. to become deeply absorbed sank into reverie  5.  a. to go downward in quality, state, or condition  b. to grow less in amount or worth  6.  a. to fall or drop slowly for lack of strength  b. to become depressed  c. to fail in health or strength; broadly fail  transitive verb  1.  a. to cause to ~ ~ a battleship  b. to force down especially below the earth's surface  c. to cause (something) to penetrate  2. immerse, absorb he sank himself into his studies  3.  a. to dig or bore (a well or shaft) in the earth ; excavate  b. to form by cutting or excising ~ words in stone  4. to cast down or bring to a low condition or state ; overwhelm, defeat  5. to lower in standing or reputation ; abase  6.  a. to lessen in value or amount  b. to lower or soften (the voice) in speaking  7. restrain, suppress ~s her pride and approaches the despised neighbor — Richard Harrison  8. to pay off (as a debt) ; liquidate  9. invest 1  10. drop 7c ~ a putt ~ a jump shot  11. chiefly British to drink down completely  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a pool or pit for the deposit of waste or sewage ; cesspool  b. a ditch or tunnel for carrying off sewage ; sewer  c. a stationary basin connected with a drain and usually a water supply for washing and drainage  2. a place...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (sinks, sinking, sank, sunk) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A sink is a large fixed container in a kitchen, with taps to supply water. It is mainly used for washing dishes. The sink was full of dirty dishes. ...the kitchen sink. N-COUNT 2. A sink is the same as a washbasin or basin. The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks. N-COUNT 3. If a boat sinks or if someone or something sinks it, it disappears below the surface of a mass of water. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy’s ship... The boat was beginning to sink fast... The lifeboat crashed against the side of the sinking ship. VERB: V n, V, V-ing • sinking (sinkings) ...the sinking of the Titanic. N-COUNT 4. If something sinks, it disappears below the surface of a mass of water. A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float. ? float VERB: V 5. If something sinks, it moves slowly downwards. Far off to the west the sun was sinking... VERB: V 6. If something sinks to a lower level or standard, it falls to that level or standard. Share prices would have sunk–hurting small and big investors... Pay increases have sunk to around seven per cent... The pound had sunk 10 per cent against the Schilling. = fall VERB: V, V to/from/by amount/n, V amount 7. People use sink school or sink estate to refer to a school or housing estate that is in a very poor area with few resources. (BRIT JOURNALISM) ...unemployed teenagers from sink estates... ADJ: ADJ n 8. If your heart or your spirits sink, you become depressed or lose hope. My heart sank because I thought he was going to dump me for another girl... VERB: V 9. If something sharp sinks or is sunk into something solid, it goes deeply into it. I sank my teeth into a peppermint cream... The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes. VERB: V n into n, V into n 10. If someone sinks a well, mine, or other large hole, they make a deep hole in the ground, usually by digging or...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 past tense sank, or sunk v 1 »IN WATER« a) to go down below the surface of water, mud etc  (The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg. | If you put it in water, will it float or sink? | The heavy guns sank up to their barrels in the mud.) b) to damage a ship so badly that it sinks  (Three ships were sunk that night by enemy torpedoes.) 2 »MOVE LOWER« a) to move downwards to a lower level  (It was several days before the flood waters sank and life returned to normal. | Her head sank onto her chest as she dozed off in her chair.) b) to fall down or sit down heavily, especially because you are very tired and weak + into/on/down etc  (Sinking down on the bed, she tried to collect her thoughts.) sink to your knees (=fall into a kneeling position)  (The prisoner sank to his knees, begging for mercy.) 3 »SUN/MOON« to move downwards in the sky, and disappear from sight  (The sun was sinking behind the coconut palms.) 4 »CHANGE/GET WORSE« to gradually pass into a different state, especially one that is worse  (sink into crisis/despair/decay etc)  (The Soviet economy was sinking deeper and deeper into crisis. | neglected buildings sinking into decay | be sinking fast (=getting weaker and about to die))  (By this time, she was sinking fast and there was little we could do for her.) 5 »LOWER AMOUNT/VALUE« to go down in amount or value  (The population had sunk to a few dozen families. | efforts by the central banks to prop up the sinking dollar) 6 »QUIET« if your voice sinks you start talking more quietly  (Holmes's voice sank as he revealed the truth about the murders. | sink into silence)  (moaning and crying out in pain, and finally sinking into silence.) 7 your heart sinks/your spirits sink to lose hope or confidence, especially when you feel unable to do everything that you have to do  (The journey seemed never-ending, and her spirits sank lower. | I realized, with a sinking heart, that I had forgotten to post that vital letter.) 8 that sinking feeling informal the unpleasant feeling that you get when you...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: HEART SINKS. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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